Promoting inclusion through the practice of board and outdoor sports !
Through our activities, we encourage personal development in an inclusive way.

Why board and outdoor sports ?

Sports with surprising social properties! 

Support us

Whether it's through a donation, a collaboration, or a desire to share your passion during a class, there is always a way to get involved!

Rookie Slash

Rookie Slash est une porte d’entrée à la pratique des sports de glisse et outdoor, et communautés pour des jeunes en difficulté.

These activities are practiced within a especially tolerant communities,ls permettent l’intégration et un brassage socio-culturel bénéfique au tissu social.

Thanks to adapted exercises, we also transmit the positive life values inherent to these sports. In this way we introduce tolerant spaces, where they will be able to create social bonds while exercising. 

Who are we ?

Rencontrez notre équipe d’entraîneurs!


Why board sports? 

Board sports have an unexpected, and yet proven social potential.

Discover our activities!


Want to help ?

There are different ways for you to get involved.

Discover how you can help!


Winner of the Prix Jeunesse 2022

We are pleased to announce that we won the "Public's Prize", in the category "an engaged youth"!

Rookie Slash, d’une Initiative à une Association

On a board since his youngest age, Nytaï Aidlin is nowadays the founder of Rookie Slash. Whether he is doing BS Smith on a skateboard, or 360 Melon Grab on a snowboard : Nytaï believes in the empowering and educative potential of board and outdoor sports. We talked with him about his intentions behind his newly-created association, and his future projects.

Prix Jeunesse 2022: soutenez-nous!

Nous avons la chance d'être nominé au Prix Jeunesse Genevois 2022 ! Cette récompense a pour but de soutenir des projets genevois initiés pour des jeunes, ou initié par des jeunes. Nous avons été nominé à la seconde catégorie, "une Jeunesse qui s'engage". Il y a 2...

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